Only 4 long weekends in 2018?! Fret not, here's how you can get 9 long weekends with this cheat

As we slowly approach the year end, there's always this one burning question in every Singaporean that long to get away from the hectic daily life.

"When would be a good time to travel next year?" 

If you have not seen the gazetted list of public holidays in 2018 released by the Ministry of Manpower, we summarise the list for you right here:

We suppose there's nothing to be too happy about since out of the eleven public holidays, only four falls on a possible long weekend.

  1. New Year's Day: 1 January 2018
    Long weekend: Saturday to Monday
  2. Chinese New Year: 16 to 17 February 2018
    Long weekend: Friday to Sunday
  3. Good Friday: 20 March 2018
    Long weekend: Friday to Sunday
  4. Hari Raya Puasa: 15 June 2018
    Long weekend: Friday to Sunday

We're quite exasperated by the fact that six of those public holidays falls in the middle of the week 😒 

But fret not, we'll show you how to cheat your way through and expand your four days of long weekends to nine days!

Four out of the public holidays falls on TuesdaysLabour Day, Vesak Day, Deepavali and Christmas Day — so just apply for an off day on Monday, and you're well on your way to a rejuvenating long weekend! On top of that, grab another off day on the 10th of August (Friday — because National Day falls on 9 August, Thursday) to go for another long weekend trip! 

And that folks, is how you double the long weekends for yourself with only having to spare five days of annual leave! 

If you're looking for places to go over the long weekends, click here and have a chat with the friendly travel consultants.


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