Run the slowest 0.2km with Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron

Yes, really. With your two favourite man crush.

Introducing a new evolution in the field of sport, run 0.2km entirely in slow motion at The Baywatch Slow Mo Marathon. Just like our favourite old school television series starring David Hasselhoff:

The marathon is held in conjunction with the release of the new Baywatch movie. Unfortunately for you local folks, the marathon won't be available for you ☹️ It will be held in Los Angeles at about 9AM PT on 22 April 2017 for legal U.S. residents. We're hoping there would be a live streaming or something!

Welp, guess we have no choice but to only wait patiently for the movie to hit the theatres.

The Baywatch movie is expected to be in theatres on 11 May 2017 in Singapore.


Alex Kevin said…
It seems like an amazing movie I have watched its trailer they also caste some Indian girl in this movie, well gonna watch it today my spectrum home internet getting installed today so I have a big list of movies to watch online if I get it online otherwise I will get DVD's.

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