Watch out root beer float and Coney dog lovers: A&W is making a comeback in Singapore after more than 10 years!

Image result for a&w root beer float
Source: Facebook

Good news for you Weekenders who (sometimes) sobs at the fact that the nearest A&W restaurant to you is an hour ferry ride away -- in Batam. 

The American fast food chain famous for its root beer floats, Coney dogs and ice-cream waffles have confirmed to be making a comeback right here on our tiny island! They are on track to be opening 30 to 40 new restaurants across Southeast Asia including Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. 

The flagship restaurant is expected to open in 2018 with a goal of opening more franchises in late 2018. 

Image result for a&w restaurant
Source: Construction Vergo

We have three words: WE. CANNOT. WAIT. What was your A&W favourite? Comment down below!


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